Monday 11 March 2013

The best laid plans ...

My plan is feeling a bit like it's spiralling out of control - I have no time... this is good because it means I'm working ... a lot! Now I know that kind of is part of the plan, but between that and the Miracle Girl's fully packed life, I have no time to think. Or write this. Or sell things ... decluttering has ground to a halt again!

On Friday I was supposed to go to a Pampered Chef night - not very good for frugality, I know, I've done it before!! But I was too tired!! Not a bad thing when you think about the temptations a Pampered Chef can wave in front of you, but it was for the PTA at Daisy Fay's school, so I was torn !! So I just felt guilty and drank red wine instead!

Now before you think I have slid off the wagon of frugality even more - I did not have wine for many, many days (well, 4 !), only indulging at the weekend. And my will power has reasserted itself today...

Tomorrow I am working again, all day, and again in the evening - and I have developed a debt reduction plan that sounds like it might work! I shall review it and the plan in general tomorrow, because, unsurprisingly, I'm tired and my brain is spiralling again ...

I think I shall go to bed and dream of a campervan ...

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