Sunday 17 April 2016

A little bit of nature

Daisyfay went to forest school. She loved it - so much so that I had to pay for a second day. Loved her enthusiasm and the fact that she would tell me about everything she'd done - and it reminded me about what I want for her, which is so much not what our education system is now. It's how to avoid it though. Anyway, forest school, and a little bit of nature, certainly kept her happy. Muddy face, muddy boots,  fabulousness ...

The tangled thoughts are slowly unravelling, and I'm working my way towards a plan. I have been ebaying, and am plotting car boot domination! Enough to cover the tooth crown and MOT trauma would be a good start ...

Campervan ... feeling a sense of urgency ... and recklessness ... maybe it's time for direct action!

In case you're interested, highly recommended ...

Campervans ... nature ... adventure ... there's a world out there ...