This week I have been mostly pants at:
* writing this blog
* cleaning my house
* not having any wine!
In my defence it was my birthday on Wednesday, so wine pushed itself to the fore! But in the spirit of frugality I decided not to go out - instead I had a lovely, delayed birthday meal on Friday. Paul cooked mussels, with homemade bread, and chocolate fondants. It was fab!
Further in my defence I worked a lot this week, which is always a good thing on the making more money front. The last three days of the week I spent at a lovely school in Wigan, one of the nicest I've been to in ages. It's the best thing about supply, the variety, and every so often you land on a school that is just great - and this was one. I had an enjoyable three days with an excellent, bouncy, personality-filled Year 4 class - and thought ( which I don't all that often) : now these I would like to teach.
On the plus side, the plan is going okay ... ish!
Prong 1: Frugality
* didn't go out for my birthday
* am using birthday money to pay to get my hair done
* made soup with stalks from broccoli and cauliflower, some leftover cabbage and leek tops - a bit of onion, a couple of ounces of lentils and some garlic and chilli - d'you know, it's really nice!
* didn't do a proper shop this week, used the freezer and storecupboard
Prong 2: Making more money
* worked for four days out of five - yay!
* sold some stuff - not a lot, but it's a start
* might be doing a bit of extra tutoring ...
* think I might be making some cakes ...
Feeling productive - feeling entrepreneur-ish! Need to investigate tax and stuff!
Daydream believing ...