Monday, 2 December 2013

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

It's Advent. Yay! I like this time of year, always did - but since the emergence of the Miracle Girl it's even better. It's excitement, enjoyment, looking forward, all writ large...

This year though something grabbed me, stopped the headlong descent into December-ness and a life with even less gaps than usual! Someone wrote a comment on my blog - I like comments, they still have a novelty value that gets me all excited - this one asked me to e-mail - hmmmm! Paul has imbued me with a healthy fear of unknown people and vicious, attacking techno-fairies of doom ... to reply or not...? Well I did - I laugh ( well, giggle nervously) at the techno-fairies of DOOM ... how glad am I?

This is what I found: http:
And it made me think - PLEASE go and look - how lucky am I?
Her daughter is more or less the same age as Daisyfay - I can't imagine it - don't really want to if I'm honest ... but on the being positive front, what could be better inspiration?

So I'm doing my own days of Christmas, or Advent calendar or whatever you want to call it - as a catchy hook I'm going with: Reasons to be happy. On Facebook ( and possibly Twitter if I get going ...) I'm a-posting ...

So far ...
1. Daisyfay and Paul.

2. Jezebel (the cat) - who never once attacked my baby in her cot as her grandmothers were 
    convinced she would, and who makes me smile every day. 

It depends where you're looking from - what you see in the tree - I think I like looking from here ...