Friday, 18 April 2014

Epiphany on the horizon

It is - I've made a plan - and we all know how well that usually works ...

* house - pretty okay - even stretched to a bit of gardening...

* exercise - chest infection improved  (but not gone sadly) - been walking ...

* positivity in place - have created a plan!

Tuesday is the day - new me and all that ... I have a menu plan sorted for a couple of weeks, into May ... Primal, sort of  - still can't get my head round the legumes, and potatoes ... but it's a start... And I have timetabled exercise - again not tons but it's a start... And wine - Primal eating approves (!) - but I'm intending a reduction...

Starting slow - hoping to up the running rather than walking once I feel better - and yoga, I want yoga back ... and I'm contemplating early get ups and going out then ... now it's light and sunny ...

I want it to be achievable, I'm aiming at 21 days, then I can review it ... but if, if (!), I can get that far I should be on a roll ...

Heading for the horizon, full of the joys of spring ...

Friday, 11 April 2014

Trying to epiph

I promised epiphanies, I think. Rather a long time ago. I'm having lots of good intentions in the direction of the aforementioned epiphany, just need my willpower to co-ordinate...

Steps needed for an epiphany:
1) get house into a fit state so that you can think...

2) get going with some fitness stuff...

3) feel all positive...

The sun is shining - that's helping too. I have been for a long walk on two mornings this week. I was going to run but, as always seems to happen when it's the holidays, I've not been well - chest infection - antibiotics - dodgy breathing - hence walking not running!
Step 2 is getting there.

Today the seesaw tipped and I glimpsed the end of the cleaning tunnel - the house is starting to look like I'm in control...well, almost! I have sorted most of the craft stuff, to the point of sorting sequins into separate compartments in a hobby box ... there's something telling me that's probably not good...!  The downstairs is basically fit to allow other people in, and I feel better ...
Step 1 is getting there.

And positivity - I've always been okay at that ( although I wasn't last weekend, feeling all ill and self-pitying) - and with sun and tidy house and a fair wind behind me ...

So, an epiphany ... running - less wine ( yes, again!) - less wheat - more fruit and veg - fresh air ...

And this will lead to feeling good and saving money - which will in turn lead to savings - which may yet, one day, in a post-epiphany life, lead to a campervan ...

Please ...

Friday, 4 April 2014

Keeping up appearances...

A comment recently - about the importance of ... keeping up appearances, no matter what - really made me wonder...

Is appearances hair, and nails, and make-up...? Is it expensive ( or anything above basic, to be honest), designer clothes...? Is it really all about this superficial stuff...?

Oh dear, I hope not, Otherwise I've really lost the plot!

And the campervan, seeing as how that is the point, wouldn't be even a figment of my imagination if I had an appearance to worry about ... not that it's much more than that still!

For the last eight years plus all that has come so far down the list, and Daisyfay has come so much farther up - am I wrong?

Feeling a bit inferior ...