We live quite a way from all our from all of our family, and I frequently feel guilty that we don't see them all enough. But life is what it is, often for them as much as us - it's not intentional. My sister-in-law and I have decided we need to plan dates that are set in stone, and then it will happen, otherwise the weekends will fill up. I'm a big fan of Facebook, it's great for keeping in touch. I've noticed that the most common criticism from people who don't is that people tell you what they're eating ... I don't! And that everyone can see ... that's up to you, you choose who sees what. I love the fact that you can keep in touch so quickly, time is my most precious thing!
We have my uncle and aunt over from New Zealand, which is great, and I felt quite sad when we left them yesterday. I would so love to go and see them, but I guess that's pretty unlikely ...
We also saw my baby cousin who has babies of her own ...
Connecting is good, but there's lots of ways to do it - and with the busyness of life for lots of us - the technology can be a boon - it keeps you on it! I need easy ways to keep on it!
Just because I didn't tell you lately family - I love you ...