Friday, 9 August 2019

In the beginning ...

... there was Eden.

The Eden Project has been the beginning of our holiday for the last two years (previously it had always been a very long, but worth-it day out). We stop on the way down and stay at their wonderfully quirky, unusual youth hostel. It is the perfect start to our holiday and never fails to send me off feeling so positive that I can change...

Because change is good - a bit scary sometimes, but good. Life is taking one of its frequent sideways shifts and I will be time rich again, which I love 😍 but frugality beckons - it's those swings and roundabouts again. However, after some time at Eden, I start to see a path through the wilderness. Less buying is never a bad thing (not sure Daisyfay is totally on board with this in practice; there in spirit but ...) and priorities need focus. Our priority is always the Miracle Girl and the summer - so less spending is back, but I am going with the fact that what do we really need?

The main exhibition at Eden this year is Earth Story - one part of it, about extinction, reduced me to tears - I just stood there thinking it's all about money. Other parts were so inspiring about how to do more. So for me this year is going to be about do more - we do try, but once on the hamster wheel it's hard to keep focused. Don't get me wrong, we all need the money ... but there are some positives to having less of it, and some more time.

So I have a plan (again), my journal is up and running, I'm writing 😀, and I'm positive (I love an Oxford comma almost as much as an ellipsis...).

An inspiring place, with so much to challenge you...

Saturday, 3 August 2019

The Little Green Car sallies forth

Oh, the life and times of the Little Green Car have been tumultuous recently. After a fairly consistent year, the technically brilliant driver's window system (which involved a nifty mime impression with both hands to lift and lower it) failed miserably when it fell inside the door after going over a speed bump and the MOT loomed - I long for a life when MOTs don't loom... Anyway, it cost a bit but she survived (thanks to the very nice garage people). And then came even more tumultuous times - the Rather Bigger Gold Car has problems. Again. And so the Little Green Car has been promoted ... to main family car ... which entails transporting us on the annual boho jaunt to Cornwall, surfing, sand, festivals, tents ... Car jenga has ensued - it's amazing what you can fit in a Nissan Micra!

So here we are, in our happy place, after a stop at the perfection of Eden and it's fabulous YHA. We have left Uncle Mark to house-sit and sallied forth in minimalist fashion. The Miracle Girl does not appear to have downsized on clothes despite the requirements of the Little Green Car ... but, at the moment, I can honestly say that I really don't care ...