Wednesday 27 February 2019

Jump Leads

I like jump leads. I have a set which travel in my car. They are especially long ones.They are something I need possibly more than the wider population. We all have our Achilles heel.

It's been a busy day - timing is everything. This afternoon I combined teaching the difference between a tornado and a hurricane with corralling twenty one children so they could be dressed in sports kit. They are various sizes - the kit has other ideas when there are that many of them. We then transported them to the athletics competition where I used my military precision style tactical organisation (all drafted on a piece of A4 paper) to get them all to the various events they were allocated to, whilst keeping the remainder firmly BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE. I then shouted myself hoarse in enthusiastic support. It was rather fun. But long. I am very proud.

I left at nearly 6 and drove to Aldi. I parked, and then tweeted their wondrousness to the cybersphere - because priorities are also everything. Then I closed my eyes and rested my head on the steering wheel ... because, you know, it was quiet ... and still ... and just because. I didn't turn the lights off. Oops. Dead little green car.

Paul came. He was at choir. The jump leads were on the back seat. At least he had to be nice about it today ...

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